Caring For Your Philodendron
Loved for it's large leaves and decorative qualities, the Philodendron is low maintenance and easy to love. Follow these easy steps to truly let your Philodendron shine!
When choosing a location, keep in mind that Philodendra can reach a height of up to 3 metres if well-cared for. Therefore it should have enough space and climbing and creeping help. You can use rough barked branches or moss sticks, or other creeping helps from the store or nature. Philodendron loves a location like the one in rain forests, half-shaded and without direct sun. In rain forests treetops only let through a small amount go light, but enough for the plants in the lower regions.
The Philodendron prefers a lightweight, permeable and nutritious soil. The important thing is that the soil doesn’t have a disposition to condense or dries out quickly. Cheap garden soil sadly does have the tendency to dry out quite quickly. A more high-quality soil is the better choice, which can be enriched with compose or rotten leaves. You can also use garden soil enriched with coconut fibres and flower soil.
The Philodendron needs lukewarm water, which means that stagnant rainwater is ideal. Fill a watering can and let it stand for at least two days. The water should also always be room-tempered and should never be from the faucet and cold. The right situation consists of moist soil without too much water. They also don’t like to dry out and enjoy their leaves being sprayed. In warmer months spraying can take place every two days, in colder months every three or four.
In the months between spring and autumn the Philodendron should be fertilized every week or every two weeks. You should use a liquid fertilizer and use it according to its directions. During the resting period in winter the plants should be watered less and fertilized once per month at a max.
If the Philodendron grows too much it can be cut back without any problems. The ideal period of that is from spring to late summer. Shoots that are too long can be shortened with a sharp knife, if some of them have already lignified you have to use garden shears.